CLS at Student Organization Fair
The Christian Legal Society participated in the Student Organization Fair. The table included a wide variety of publications provided by the Christian Legal Society and several partner organizations. Thank you Rachel Augsburger and Bill Cook for running the table! Several students…

CLS End of the Year Luncheon with Luke Harriman
The Chicago-Kent CLS chapter held our end of the year luncheon at MyThai Takumi Restaurant on Tuesday, April 19th, 2016. Joining the chapter was former ClS Chapter President and 2013 class valedictorian, Luke Harriman.

Brent Amato at Christian Legal Society Lunch (March 22, 2016)
Brent Amato, a staff member at the Christian Legal Society, came to speak at the Chicago-Kent chapter. He spoke on what it means to be a Christian lawyer. Special thanks to Brent for supporting our chapter!

Chicago-Kent Holiday Fest 2015
Here are a few photos of the Christian Legal Society contributions to the Holiday Fest 2015:

Religion Clauses Event Video
If you missed our September 30th event “The Religion Clauses: Understanding Town of Greece and Hobby Lobby” you can view Professor Nahmod’s talk here now: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IqBPrI6KeBY] The event was co-sponsored by the American Constitution Society, the Federalist Society, the Muslim Law…