For Alumni

Welcome Kent Justice Foundation & Chicago-Kent alum! We have created this section of our website to provide you with opportunities to stay active in the KJF community and to support the efforts of KJF.


KJF depends on alumni support to keep its Summer Fellowship Program strong, and making an online donation is easy, fast, and secure.

We can always use gift cards to help fund the food and beverages for our events. If you’d like to give in this way, the two best options are:

  • A Binny’s Gift Card. Put Kent Justice Foundation as the Recipient and as the Email when you purchase.
  • A Mariano’s/Kroger Gift Card. Put Kent Justice Foundation as the Recipient and as the Email when you purchase.

If you would like to give to a specific event, contact the KJF President at

Stay in Touch!

  1. Like us on Facebook and Instagram, and follow us on LinkedIn
  2. Fill out our interest survey below to let us know how you’d like to remain involved!