Privacy Law Society at Chicago-Kent College of Law, Illinois Institute Technology.


To establish a network of students committed to exploring the social and legal issues raised by technology and privacy. Focusing on fields such as data security, internet privacy, health care confidentiality, computer science, and the constitutional underpinnings of privacy, the Privacy Law Society’s focus is to provide an avenue for discourse that allows students to learn and think critically about these issues, and to prepare them for eventual legal careers in these areas.


  1. Membership shall extend to Chicago-Kent College of Law (Chicago-Kent) students and shall be identified as “General Assembly Member.”
  2. Through majority vote, the Executive Board Members reserve the right to grant honorary membership to include: exceptional donors, sponsors, mentors, employers, and other contributors. A member entering via honorary membership shall be identified as “Honorary Member.”
  3. Eligibility for membership may not be limited on the basis of race, sex, color, age, religion, national origin, marital status, sexual orientation, physical or mental handicap, ancestry or medical condition, except as explicitly exempted in federal law.


  1. The Officers of the Organization shall be five members of the Executive Board. By a 2/3 vote of the Executive Board, one of the five members shall be named President.
  2. The Members-at-Large shall be at least one student from each of the Chicago-Kent first year student sections, including the evening section. These individuals shall declare their interest by signing up with the Executive Board in the Fall Semester. In the event of overwhelming interest, the Executive Board majority vote will determine the chosen Members-at Large.
  3. The Executive Board Members and Members-at-Large will hold their offices for a one
    1. [1] year term. The term commences on May 1st and runs through April 30th. Graduating Executive Board Members will work with the Executive Board-Elect to transition leadership.
  4. Committee Chairs and project specific chairpersons may be appointed as necessary through majority vote by the Executive Board. These positions will be filled by members of the General Assembly. Any member is free to join a committee. Committee Chairs are terminal positions specific to the fulfillment of an assigned task.
  5. Individuals interested in obtaining a position on the Executive Board shall submit a brief, written, candidate statement to the sitting Executive Board by April 1st.
    1. Executive Board elections, if necessary, are to be held by April 15th and are open to all General Assembly members in good standing.
    2. In the event of a tie for any Executive Board position, the sitting Executive Board will hold a special vote. The candidate(s) receiving a 2/3 vote will be considered elected.
    3. In the event of a tie for Executive Board Chair, the sitting Executive Board will hold a special vote. The candidate receiving a 2/3 vote will be named Chair.
    4. If further tiebreaker is needed, the candidates will have a duel in Room 510 at Chicago-Kent on a date to be set by the sitting Executive Board.
  6. Should any vacancies arise the Executive Board Members may choose, through a 2/3 vote, to appoint a General Assembly member as acting interim officer until the next official election.
  7. Officers may be removed from office through unanimous nomination by the Executive Board Members and by a 2/3 vote of the General Assembly. Officers may be removed for honors violation, dereliction of duty, or academic suspension.
  8. The duties of the officers shall be:
    1. At the first Executive Board Meeting, the following duties shall be delegated among Executive Board Members:
      1. 1) Minute recorder
      2. 2) Communications coordinator – for the board, the General Assembly and Chicago-Kent
      3. 3) Funds maintainer
      4. 4) Presiding officer for general Chicago-Kent and Student Bar Association events and meetings.

As needed, the Executive Board shall delegate additional duties which include, but are not limited to:

1) Fundraising

2) Website and Social Media maintenance

3) Election organization

4) Participate in and cooperate with other Chicago-Kent student organization events


  1. The organization shall be funded, but not limited to, the following means: fundraising efforts, budget appropriations by the Chicago-Kent Student Bar Association and external donations.
  2. All money transactions must be approved by a majority of Executive Board Members.


  1. Regular meetings of the Executive Board shall be held as needed.
  2. Regular meetings of the General Assembly will be held as needed.
  3. A quorum for Executive Board meetings shall be three [3].
  4. Each General Assembly meeting shall have an agenda which is to be distributed at the commencement of the meeting.


  1. The Executive Board has the power to create committees as needed. Membership to these will be voluntary. The Committee Chairs will be appointed via majority vote of the Executive Board.
  2. The organization shall operate as a non-profit organization and no profits may accrue to any individual within the organization.
  3. Unless otherwise provided in these bylaws, decisions of the Organization shall be made by a majority of those present and voting.
  4. For purposes of any vote, the determination of the current eligible voting membership shall be those members who are in good standing. Members may forfeit good standing by failing to attend a majority of meetings or events. A member’s standing will be determined by the Executive Board.


  1. These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of members in good standing at a General Assembly meeting