Please Welcome The 2019-2020 CLS Executive Board
Each board member is passionate about the mission of the group and will do a wonderful job serving the school next year.

Finals Prayer Meeting
For the last meeting of the semester, the CLS group was devoted to prayer for the upcoming finals period, the summer, and the next school year. It was a wonderful time of encouragement and spiritual renewal.

Religion in the Law Panel
Do attorneys need to separate their faith from their legal practice? What happens when faith and practice collide? Practitioners from the Christian, Jewish, and Islamic faiths came to Chicago-Kent and discussed how they live out their religious beliefs in the…

CLS Happy Hour
CLS attorneys and law students gathered at the firm, Hoogendoorn and Talbot for a time of food and fellowship. The opportunity gave students a chance to meet Christian attorneys and hear how they implement their faith in to their practice.

Jesus in the Courtroom with John Mauck
Have you ever thought of Jesus as a lawyer? It may sound odd, but at times during His life, Jesus wore his lawyer hat. He was after all a Rabbi, an expert of the law. The legal aspects of Jesus’ life…

First General Meeting
On September 11, 2018, the Christian Legal Society met for the first time of the school year. After introductions, CLS faculty adviser, Dawn Young, shared her testimony and encouraged the students to keep their faith strong throughout the trials of…

2018 Bake Sale for Incoming Refugees
It was quite a successful bake sale. Fellowship thrived, money raised, and sugar was had. All proceeds will go to Exodus World Service which mobilizes the Chicago community to welcome refugees. This is done by educating about refugee ministry, connecting…

Worship Fall Bonfire at the University of Chicago
Come join CLS chapters from all around Chicago for a night of worship at the Promontory Point at the University of Chicago.

First General Meeting of the Year!
First general meeting is in the books. Chapter president, Rachel Augsburger, introduced the incoming class to the Christian Legal Society’s goals and activities. Steve Hsu, a board member on the Christian Legal Society of Northern Illinois, came and spoke to…

Newly Elected CLS Executive Board for 2017-2018
We would like to welcome our new board for the 2017-2018 school year.

Christian Legal Society at Holiday Fest 2016
Chicago-Kent’s Christian Legal Society chapter participated in this year’s Holiday Fest. The table included a variety of Christmas treats such as candy canes, eggnog, and Christmas themed cookies. Although not in the picture below, we later set up a miniature…

Religious Liberty: Under Attack From the Left and the Right
On Oct 27th, 2016, Prof. Bradley Jacob of Regent Law School came to speak on religious liberty. Prof. Steve Heyman of IIT Chicago-Kent provided commentary. The event was sponsored by the Federalist Society, the Christian Legal Society, and the Decalogue.