Below are the materials for this year’s IMCHS tryouts. Please prepare a 3-4 page brief (argument section only), along with the candidate application form, and submit via email by September 17th at 5pm. You can choose to represent either the applicant or the respondent. This is a closed universe, with all resources found at the link below, or any references found in those resources.
After submission, you have an additional three days to prepare a 5-minute oral argument to be held September 20th between 10am-1pm(time markers: 3 minutes, 1 minute, stop). Please provide a detailed list of your availability that day.
- Google Drive Resources
- see attached application, info sheet, and tryout prompt below
- International Court of Justice (ICJ) judges are NOT called your honor. Refer to them either by name, ex. Judge Brown, or generally as Your Excellency.
- Remember that States are sovereigns and as such are not bound to any case law unless they were a party to it. However, it is persuasive. Ex. Germany is not bound to the Military and Paramilitary Activities In and Against Nicaragua (US v. Nic.).
- States are, however, bound to treaties they are a party to.
Best of luck! If you have questions not concerning substance, feel free to email us at
Lindon and Maureen
Download (2014-Recruitment-Info-Sheet.docx)
Download (Candidate-Application-Form.doc)
Download (IMCHSTryoutPrompt.docx)