General Body Meeting

September 1, 2016 4pm, Rm 510

PTO Hub Launch Event

IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law invites you to attend the launch event for the Chicago-Kent Patent Hub. Chicago-Kent and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office have collaborated to establish the Chicago-Kent Patent Hub, a pro bono program that will facilitate…

Q: If I serve as a Research Assistant to a professor and receive credit, does this credit count toward the Intellectual Property Certificate Program?

A: Credit received for being a Research Assistant will only qualify for Intellectual Property Certificate requirements if the professor certifies that the work was entirely Intellectual Property Research.

Q: How often will the Intellectual Property courses be offered?

A: As a general rule: Patent Law is taught both day and evening in theĀ Fall only. Between Copyrights and Trademarks, one will be taught in the fall only (both day and evening) and then the other will be taught during…