The Moot Court Honor Society is devoted to the art and technique of appellate advocacy, with the ultimate goal of training outstanding appellate litigators. The Society seeks to achieve this goal in two ways: through classroom training and through participation in intramural and interscholastic appellate advocacy competitions.
After being invited to join the Society, students enroll in Appellate Advocacy, a course that focuses on advanced training in brief writing and research, oral advocacy, and appellate procedure. The course culminates in the Ilana Diamond Rovner Competition, an intramural appellate advocacy competition at the end of the fall semester. Students are selected to represent Chicago-Kent in interscholastic competitions based on their performance in the course.
Interscholastic competitions are the cornerstone of the Society’s activities. Each year, Chicago-Kent students compete in the ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition and the National Moot Court Competition sponsored by the Bar Association of the City of New York. In addition to these two prestigious national competitions, Chicago-Kent sends teams to participate in a variety of regional, local, and university-sponsored competitions. The Moot Court Honor Society has an outstanding success record in these competitions.