SBA Newsletter – September 11


September 11, 2023

SBA is here to keep you connected; please reach out to sba at any time!

Upcoming Events/Deadlines

September 11: Applications for JEEL due

  • Admissions office interest meeting

  • 1L Workshop – Managing your time effectively

September 12: Student Organization Leadership Training

  • NLG volunteer training

  • LAMBDAS Happy Hour

September 13: IPLS event with Professor Reilly

  • HLLSA general body meeting

September 14: Federal Sector Labor Relations & Labor Law Conference

  • Admissions office interest meeting

  • CLE Federal Sector Labor Relations & Labor Law Conference

September 15: HLLSA Moot Competition interest survey

September 18: SBA Election Forms for 1Ls and LLMs become available

September 19: REAA general body meeting

  • Self-Help Resource Center training session

September 22: APALSA moot court competition briefs due


Academic and Bar Success:


Admissions Office:


The Office of Admissions is looking for interested students to join our Student Advocates Program and share their Chicago-Kent experience with prospective students! There are several positions available, but we are in particular need of students with social media or photography experience, non-traditional students, and part-time students.

Event Advocates

Advocates at our events are integral to the success of our recruitment events! Advocates provide tours to prospective students, provide insight into the student experience, answer prospective student questions, and help with event operations at on-campus and off-campus recruiting events like LSAC forums and webinars.

Social Media Content Creators

These Advocates help run the Chicago-Kent Admissions Instagram page (@chicagokentadmissions). They help identify student stories to share, capture photos and videos of campus events, and help create content that showcases law student life. If you have experience in social media content creation, journalism, or photography, we are particularly interested in working with you!

Virtual Ambassadors

These Advocates help run our admitted students Facebook group and are available to connect with prospective and admitted students to answer questions and provide insight into student life at Chicago-Kent.

If you’re interested in learning more, please join us for an info session or email Maricela Sanchez at msanchez3

C-K Law Group:


Illinois State Bar Association:

Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) has free student memberships for up to 4 years.

A free membership has at least two significant benefits for students: first the ISBA emails daily or sometimes twice a day blurbs on every new case that has been decided in Illinois and significant cases decided nationally. Second, students can purchase ISBA materials at member prices which are significantly less than if they were not a member. Use the link above if you are interested in becoming a member!

Library Resources:


The library has put together research guides for all 1L and many upper level courses! The guides include links to West Academic Study aids, CALI lessons, past exams, secondary sources, and more.

Upper level courses:

1L courses:

Office of Continuing Legal & Professional Education:

As students of Chicago-Kent, you will receive complimentary registration. Enter the discount code: CKCLE1 at checkout.

Please join us for our 41st annual gathering of federal government officials and policy makers, prominent attorneys and union representatives, and leading academics at this one-day, in-person conference of engaging discussions about the status of the federal workforce and the law that governs federal workers. In addition to updates from top agency officials, this conference will explore how the federal workforce is adjusting to the “new normal”—particularly the proliferation of remote work and hybrid arrangements.

Register Today!

Join us in-person for the Supreme Court IP Review (SCIPR)! A conference designed to provide intellectual property practitioners, jurists, legal academics and law students with a review of IP cases from the U.S. Supreme Court’s previous Term, a preview of cases on the docket for the upcoming Term, and a discussion of cert. petitions to watch.

Prominent lawyers and professors will share their analysis of the Supreme Court’s decisions in IP cases from the past term, including the high-profile cases Jack Daniel’s Properties, Inc. v. VIP Products LLC, and Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc. v. Goldsmith.

Chicago-Kent Professor Graeme Dinwoodie will deliver the Keynote Address, “Reading Trademark Tea-Leaves at the Supreme Court.”

SCIPR will be held in the Ogilvie Auditorium on Friday, September 29, 2023.

Register Today!

Self-Help Resource Center:


Volunteer Opportunity with Chicago-Kent’s Self-Help Resource Center!

The SHRC is a student-operated help desk at the Daley Center Courthouse in Chicago, and we are looking for more volunteers! No experience needed, we create the schedule around your availability, and this is a great opportunity to gain practical experience in a real courthouse and speak to real litigants who need our help. It’s also a great way to increase your service hours if you have taken the pro bono pledge with the Public Interest Center!

We will be holding our first training session for new and returning volunteers on September 19th at 12pm. This session will go over the different forms that we are able to help litigants complete, and discuss everything you’ll need to know about volunteering with us! The session will be recorded if you cannot attend. Please reach out to apoggioli if you have any questions. Thanks all!

Study Abroad Program:


Associate Dean of International Programs, Adam Weber will be hosting an info session to JD students who are interested in participating in the program. It will be held on Sept 28, at 12pm. Room 345.

Workplace Law Program:


Workplace law is one of the most dynamic fields in the legal profession right now, and there’s no better place to study it than Chicago-Kent. Learn more about the certificate program in Labor & Employment Law and hear from alumni working in a variety of labor and employment law jobs.



This week…



Mental Health Resources at Kent:

Tip of the week:

Create a reasonable schedule and stick to it

One of the things that makes law school so stressful is cramming an endless amount of responsibilities and commitments into a 24 hour day. Whether it’s studying, working, taking care of loved ones or taking care of yourself, there never seems to be enough time to get it all done. A reasonable and realistic schedule will keep you on track with your studies but will also help you to also set aside time for other important things like self care or spending time with family. You might have to make several adjustments to make a schedule that works, but it’s worth the effort. Once you have created a good schedule, stick to it. This will help you avoid feeling that you’re falling behind or neglecting your other priorities.

Quiet Study in Library: As our community returns to in-person study and instruction at the Conviser Law Center, the Law Library, in conjunction with the Student Bar Association, wants to remind students that the Law Library is a quiet study space. Talking is discouraged in open seating areas where, if necessary, conversations should be brief and very quiet. For group study and discussion, the Law Library offers ten study rooms students can reserve at the Service Desk on the 9th floor.

Exit Escort Service: In the evening hours, a Public Safety officer is available to provide a walking escort for those with concerns about their personal safety. This service applies to any location within a two block radius of the Conviser Law Center, including Union Station and many adjacent parking locations. Please see the officer(s) on duty at the front desk, or call the Public Safety number, 312-906-5030. Please also see the below survey!

Student Organizations


  • Elections for 1L representatives and LLM representatives will take place from September 18 – 29th. More detailed information will be sent out in a separate email later this week!

  • All general assembly meeting dates can be found on the SBA Website under the ‘about us’ tab.

  • Find a complete list of organizations here:Student Organizations

If you attended bar review please rate Brando’s! We will rank all the bars we visit and compile a list at the end of the semester! The form can be found here. If you would like to suggest a bar or happy hour for us to visit, please use the SBA suggestion box.

This week, bar review will be at Jefferson Tap.




APALSA is sending a team to the Thomas Tang Moot Court Competition, a moot court competition that specifically addresses legal issues facing the AAPI community. The due date for briefs is September 22, at 11:59p PST. Oral arguments are scheduled for October 6 and will take place over Zoom. All students who have completed LWII are welcome to try out for the team.

In order to register for try-outs, email your appellate brief to APALSA and mnagel1 (Professor Nagel). The brief may be from LWII, or it can be any appellate brief that you’ve written. After that, APALSA will reach out to schedule a 5-10 minute oral argument (from the same brief).

For more information, you can contact APALSA. Competition details can also be found here:


HLLSA’s First General Body Meeting (UPDATED TIME/DATE)

Our first general body meeting of the semester will be on Wednesday, September 13th at 3:00 PM. (Room 580). Get to know our executive board, new members, and participate in planning our upcoming events! We would love to get to know you and what activities you are looking forward to this year!


Interested in joining HLLSA’s Moot Court Team?

This year HLLSA will select a team to represent the school at the Hispanic National Bar Association Uvaldo Herrera Moot Court Competition that is part of the HNBA Corporate Counsel Conference. The team will begin working on their briefs over Winter Break, and will travel to the competition in March 2024 (at no personal expense to the students.) Team membership is open to all HLLSA members as well as all Chicago-Kent law students of any grade level, 1L through 4L. To receive more information on the competition, tryouts, and more, fill out this quick interest form by 5:00 PM on September 15th, 2023.



Are you interested in learning about Intellectual Property? Come to the IPLS event on September 13th to hear Professor Reilly talk about what Intellectual Property is. The event is from 3-4pm in room 704.

Journal of Environmental Energy and Law: Associate Editor Applications due TODAY, September 11th.


The Journal of Environmental and Energy Law provides a great opportunity for Chicago-Kent students to gain experience in legal editing, whether or not they intend to focus on or have a previous background in environmental law or policy. The Journal encourages students to become exceptional editors, writers, and scholars while serving an integral role in Chicago-Kent’s nationally recognized environmental law program. JEEL is currently accepting applications for our Associate Editor position. The AE position provides the potential for students to run for an executive board position after one year of membership and to write and submit a student note for publication.

To apply for either position, please submit a resume, writing sample, and a personal statement explaining your interest in joining the Journal and the position you are applying for. Completed applications can be sent to jeel. We are currently accepting applications from all class levels, including 1Ls.

Associate Editors

Each year, the Journal welcomes a team of Associate Editors (AEs) who work with the Executive Articles Editor to edit articles for grammar and comprehension. The AEs are also tasked with ensuring articles are properly cited to the Bluebook and assertions are adequately supported. As an Associate Editor, students have the opportunity to review and discuss academic discourse in environmental law, learn to think critically about these topics, and strengthen their own legal and writing skills.


Lambdas Happy Hour – September 12, 6:30-8:30pm


We are excited to announce our first event for the fall – our CK Lambdas Happy Hour on Tuesday, September 12th, 6:30pm-8:30pm! Join CK Lambdas at Roscoe’s Tavern, located at 3356 N. Halsted St, Chicago, IL 60657. Grab a drink, meet and chat with Lambdas’ board, and get to know other members!

National Lawyers Guild:


We have training for expunging/sealing criminal records hosted by Beth Johnson of Rights and Restoration Law on Tuesday, 9/12/23 from 12:00pm – 1:00pm. The event is in room 580 and at the following zoom link:



The Chicago-Kent National Security Law Society (NSLS) is a student-run affiliate of the Chicago-Kent Center for National Security and Human Rights Law (CNS). NSLS strives to create an effective, non-partisan forum for informed discourse on U.S. national security policy and foreign affairs. If you are interested in learning more about NSLS or attending NSLS events, please visit our natseclaw to join our mailing list and receive updates for our upcoming events. NSLS would also like to invite applications for Blog Editor and Class Representative positions. If you are interested, please email us a brief interest statement at natseclaw.



Meme of the week:

More events may be found on the SBA calendar. Please make sure you are accessing via your Kent email address.

*if you wish to share a special date with the student body, click here

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