Pro Bono Opportunities

In addition to volunteering with the SHRC, there are a number of other volunteer and pro bono opportunities available to students. As we become aware of open volunteer positions we will post them below. If you would like a volunteer opportunity listed here please email

No Volunteer Opportunities at This Time

Finding Pro Bono Opportunities

Opportunities through Chicago-Kent College of Law:

  1. Login to Symplicity
  2. Go into the Jobs Tab
  3. Hit Search
  4. In Position Type, select: “Pro-Bono Limited Commitment”
  5. From there you can see available opportunities and apply

Opportunities through the Chicago Bar Foundation:

  1. Go to
  2. Click on the Find a Pro Bono Opportunity tab
  3. Opportunities can be found through both their online database or their calendar of trainings and events, both linked in the Find a Pro Bono Opportunity tab.

Opportunities through PSJD:

  1. Go to to learn about state licensure pro bono requirements and find volunteer opportunities.

Note: Pro Bono and Community Service hours found through all sources can count toward service awards.