Public Interest Awards

Chicago-Kent recognizes that the American Bar Association’s Model Rule of Professional Responsibility stating that “a lawyer should aspire to render at least 50 hours of pro bono publico legal services per year and should voluntarily contribute support to organizations that provide legal services to persons of limited means,” is a commitment that must be emphasized throughout law school. Each spring, Chicago-Kent recognizes outstanding students and alumni who have demonstrated a commitment to public service at the Annual Public Interest Awards Night.

Chicago-Kent Certificate of Service

The Chicago-Kent Certificate of Service is awarded to students who complete at least 50 hours of volunteer service during their time at Chicago-Kent.

Dean’s Distinguished Public Service Award

Students who complete at least 250 hours of volunteer service are eligible to receive the Dean’s Distinguished Public Service Award.

Award Eligibility

To be eligible to receive either of these awards, you must take the following three steps:

  1. Find
    You can find opportunities in Symplicity under job search and filtering by Pro Bono Opportunities.
  2. Volunteer
    Volunteer hours and activities must meet the criteria below in order to count towards these awards:

    • You cannot be receiving any financial compensation or school credit.
    • You cannot be engaged in for-profit, private sector activities.
    • You cannot be engaged in partisan, political campaign activities.
    • Hours at different public service organizations and government agencies may be combined. For example,
      • Hours volunteered at public defender and prosecutor offices are eligible.
      • Hours volunteered in the Gulf Coast for hurricane relief efforts are eligible.
    • Training time required for volunteering may be included in your hours.
    • Hours accrue during the time you are a law student (between your first day of orientation as a first-year law student and your date of graduation, dates inclusive).
    • Generally, time spent on Chicago-Kent student organization activities, for example, preparing for speaker events or bake sales, does NOT qualify. However, volunteering with outside organizations in conjunction with a student organization does qualify, for example, volunteering at the Daley Center Self-Help Resource Center, soup kitchen as a KJF project, or legal observing through NLG.
  3. Submit your volunteer hours
    You can track your hours in Symplicity under the Pro Bono and Community Service Tab.

If you are uncertain whether your particular volunteer work qualifies, please email us for clarification.