Student Chapter of the Week
“Our ACS Chicago-Kent Student Chapter has the honor of being recognized as the first Student Chapter of the Week for the 2015-2016 academic year. Even though we are only a few weeks into the semester, ACS has already been busy with a very successful Constitution Week hosting a panel on the Obergefell decision, a membership drive where we handed out free pocket Constitutions, and a debate on the Takings Clause. We also co-sponsored The Pride and Perils of Representing Disfavored Clients panel with other ACS chapters in Chicago. Being named Chapter of the Week is only the beginning as we plan to continue this success throughout the semester with various events including a Supreme Court term review and a conference on pursing a public interest career. Our executive board would also like to welcome new board members Ben Schwab, Katherine LaRosa, Andrea Augustinas, and Terrance Scotton as 1L Representatives. ACS Chicago-Kent looks forward to an exciting semester as we continue to engage the campus in a progressive dialogue.”