Lunch Talk About Ag-Gag Laws & Undercover Investigations
Date: Nov 18, 2015
LUNCH EVENT: Wednesday, November 18, from 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM in Room C25:
Did you know that some states forbid the undercover filming and photography of farms, making it harder for whistleblowers to alert the public of animal abuse and cruelty? Is this good public policy? Is it even constitutional?
ACS Chicago-Kent is teaming up with Chicago-Kent’s Chapter of the Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) to talk about these Ag-Gag laws and other undercover investigations.
This SALDF-hosted lunch discussion will feature Animal Legal Defense Fund speakers, William Rivas-Rivas and TJ Tumasse. They will talk about their experiences pertaining to these Ag-Gag laws, pending legislation, and their constitutionality involving undercover investigations on factory farming.
For a little background on Ag-Gag laws, check out this 2011 New York Times op-ed: