ACS Supreme Court Preview
Room change: C50

Student Chapter of the Week
“Our ACS Chicago-Kent Student Chapter has the honor of being recognized as the first Student Chapter of the Week for the 2015-2016 …
Supreme Court IP Review
(Fri. 9/25 here at Chicago-Kent): The Supreme Court IP Review (SCIPR) is a conference designed to provide intellectual property practitioners, jurists, legal academics and …
Our ACS Chicago-Kent Student Chapter will be hosting and sponsoring a series of events next week in commemoration of the 228th anniversary …
Our General Meeting, where we will bring on new reps to our board and introduce our group generally, will be Wednesday 9/9 at 3:00 …
Categorical Confusion and the Supreme Court’s “Takings” Cases
This event is an official school event. ACS is co-sponsering this event for Constitution Week as well as putting on our …
Chicago-Kent Student Organization Fair
Student Organization Fair. The annual Student Organization Fair will be held on Tuesday, September 1, from 11:30-1:30 (for day students) and from 4:00-6:00 (for …
The Perils and Pride associated with Representing Unpopular Clients
The Chicago Lawyer Chapter and the IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law, The John Marshall Law School, Loyola University Chicago School of Law, …