Updates from our first general meeting!

Hello Members:
Our first meeting was a huge success! We had a tremendous turnout, and it was great getting feedback regarding what members are looking to get from the club. We’ve taken your feedback and are using it to develop future events and ideas. Here are a few updates…
Future Plans:
Hosting First CSDPS Career Panel – We are working on getting a panel of attorneys practicing in the private and public sector, including the Federal Trade Commission, for our first panel. Our goal is to cover a wide area of law for those of you who are hoping to learn about the various practice areas that cyber security and data privacy touches. The date is currently pending while we figure out what works for the panelists, however, it is tentatively scheduled for one of the last two weeks of March (March 21, 22, 27, or 28).
Co-Sponsoring Chicago-Kent Event – We are excited to announce that we will be co-hosting an event at Chicago-Kent with Professor Andrews and Professor Warner. The event is called “Defending Out Data: Privacy, Security, and the Wave of Data Breaches,” and is scheduled for Friday, April 7, 2017. The event will take place from 9:00 AM-4:00 PM, including a reception at the end. This will be a great event for anyone interest in learning about this area of the law and meeting influential professionals working in the field.
Upcoming Volunteer Needs:
We may need some volunteers to help the day of the April 7th Data Privacy event as mentioned above. Please let us know if you are interested!
CK Privacy:
Also please check out www.CKPrivacy.org, Chicago-Kent’s privacy and security hub with information on relevant courses offered at Chicago-Kent, publications, job postings and much more!
Follow us on Twitter! (@CSDPS_KentLaw)
We’ll be tweeting interesting articles, current events, and information related to CSDPS’s upcoming events.
As always feel free to contact us regarding any ideas or suggestions you may have for the club.

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