Human rights in the face of Puerto Rico’s colonial and economic crisis: A Visit by Osvaldo Burgos Pérez

Date: Nov 02, 2015
Timing: 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm
Speakers : Osvaldo Burgos Pérez
Venue : 305

Puerto Rico is currently $72 billion in debt and likely to run out of money in a month. Unlike US cities and states, Puerto Rico is unable to file for bankruptcy or restructure its debt unless US Congress gives such authority. In response, the Puerto Rican government has slashed critical social services including health care services and schools. Yet in the midst of this crisis, what is the state of human rights on the island?

Attorney and Professor Osvaldo Burgos-Pérez will discuss the current state of human rights on the island and what the future holds. He is a Human Rights Attorney in Puerto Rico and serves on the board of directors of the ACLU and Amnesty International and was formerly the Executive Director of the Civil Rights Commission of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. He teaches Human Rights courses at Sacred Heart University and Inter-American Law School in Puerto Rico and is a prominent gay rights and anti-death penalty activist.

Co-sponsored by NLGACS Chicago-KentLAMBDAS, and HLLSA.


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