The November 2010 Award Winners are:
- Joe Carlasare – Ilana Diamond Rovner Award for Outstanding Appellate Advocate
- Margot Nikitas – Fay Clayton Award for Outstanding Oralist
- Justin Hagan – Ralph L. Brill Award for Best Brief
The November 2010 Award Winners are:
ABA National Appellate Advocacy Competition
Regional Finalists
Rebecca Graham
Will Thayer
Ben Thomassen
Regional Semifinalists
Elizabeth Meyer
Stephen Monroe
Stephanie Thommes
Evan A. Evans Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition
Mariana Karampelas
Keith Southam
Ruby Vale Corporate Law Competition
Crystal Correa
Elizabeth Kim
Emily Widmer
Thurgood Marshall Memorial Constitutional Law Moot Court Competition
Third Place
Mark Mazzone
Eugene Novikov
William E. McGee National Civil Rights Moot Court Competition
Tracy Brdar
Mark Munninghoff
Grant Shackelford
Alexis Crawford
Shannon Smith
Aaron Tucker
John J. Gibbons National Criminal Procedure Competition
Daniel Basler
Matthew Douglas
J.R. Knight
National First Amendment Competition
Gregg Barbakoff
Megan Pekala
National Moot Court Competition in Child Welfare & Adoption Law
Jessica Bolack
Nicholas Cordell
Stephen Scovil
Robert F. Wagner National Labor & Employment Law Moot Court Competition
Cecily Albertelli
Courtney Bollman
Diana Rdzanek
National Moot Court Competition
Regional Finalists & National Octofinalists
Chicago Bar Association Moot Court Competition
Moot Court National Championship
John Marshall Law School International Moot Court Competition in Information Technology & Privacy Law
Midwest Moot Court Competition
Competition Champions
Best Brief
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