We had another great event last week with Paul-Martin Foss of the Carl Menger Center for the Study of Money and Banking, as well as our own Prof. Evelyn Brody. It was a standing-room only crowd and the discussion was engaging and informative. Check out some pictures below.
Our next event is next Wednesday, Oct. 29th, at 2:30pm in room C35 with Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute. We almost ran out of food last time so please RSVP here if you plan on attending: bit.ly/govsmoke

Welcome to the brand-new Chicago-Kent Federalist Society website! As you can see, this is a big improvement on our last site and we’d like to thank Emily Barney with the school who helped set the page up.
Our call-out meeting is coming up this Tuesday, Sept. 16th, 12pm, in Room 165. We hope to see you there for free food and a great kick-off to the school year!
We have lots of events in the works so please join our mailing list if you haven’t yet so that you can stay up-to-date.