- Chicago Bar CLE November 4!
- BIRA Meeting November 5!
- ACLU Meeting November 5!
- Corporate Law Society & APALSA 1L Panel November 5!
- BLSA Study Session November 6!
- CONVISER BASH November 7!
- MLSA Event November 8!
For Students:
Sign up for CK’s Law Group Clinics!!
CK Law Group Spotlight:

Natasha Crespo: Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic
“This is my second term with the Vaccine Injury Litigation Clinic. Last term, I learned what the Vaccine Injury Compensation program is and how to bring a claim in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims. After combing through evidence for a new client, I told their story through the petition that officially kicked off their case. The clinic was a great learning experience and my favorite class during 1L year; by far the least stressful too. This made it an easy choice to continue at the clinic this term. Because of a trial scheduled for late September, we started right in with trial preparation this semester. Most assignments involved looking for ways to strengthen our arguments on medical causation by reviewing questions for medical experts and past opinions that could weigh heavily on the outcome of our client’s claim.
The pre-trial tension was high when an experienced attorney was added to the opposing counsel’s side a week before the trial; a very high-ranking Department of Justice lawyer planted to emphasize possible
policy implications if the Special Master (a/k/a/ the Judge) decides the case in our client’s favor. Unlike in other claims brought in federal court, the Special Master acts as both the fact finder and decision maker, meaning that she would from time to time directly question the expert witnesses to clarify points. The trial lasted a day and a half with three medical experts providing in-depth testimony and analysis of their own theories while tactically trying to tear down the opposition’s medical opinion.
During the trial, fellow student Melissa Roshass and I sat at the table for our client instead of the gallery, a thrilling surprise for us both. We had all the exhibits at our disposal to follow along with lines of questioning and offer help with the proper exhibit or page number for the current theory being evaluated. During recess, we talked through strategy and weak points of the opposing expert’s theory. Before and after the trial we had the opportunity to meet and chat with the opposing counsel, medical experts, and the Special Master. Overall, it is the most exciting part of law school yet and I’m grateful to have seen fantastic litigators advocating their positions.”
Student Events:
Mental Health Initiative presents:
CK-Law Mindful Yoga

Tuesdays from 12-1 pm on the 7th floor. Bring your own mat!
**If you are a 1L or 2L Yoga Instructor and interested in joining the incredible instructors-Meg and Akshita, please contact Bridget Murphy at bmurphy7**
Interpreting SOS Abstracts and Clearing License Impediments Training
The Law Office of the Cook County Public Defender and the CBA will present a free training, “Interpreting SOS Abstracts and Clearing License Impediments,” on November 4, 2019, 3:00-5:00 p.m., at 69 W. Washington, 17th Floor.
Presenters include the Hon. Charles Beach, Catherine Hareas, Assistant Cook County Public Defender, and Silvana Santilli, Assistant Cook County Public Defender. The presenters are all “experts” in deciphering and interpreting Illinois Secretary of State Driver’s License Abstracts, as well as in addressing and clearing underlying matters that are preventing individuals from legally driving or reinstating their privilege to hold a valid driver’s license.
The presenters will explain the various codes and other information contained on the abstract for the purpose of training attorneys to assist clients as well as individuals at “summit” events in the community. In addition, the presentation will discuss the various methods and procedures for addressing and clearing court-related and non-court-related underpinnings for suspensions, along with a discussion on administrative proceedings (e.g. formal and informal hearings) necessary to address certain matters with the Illinois Secretary of State.
Attendees will also learn about volunteering at the CBA/Pilsen Neighbors Community Council Illinois Drivers’ License Reinstatement Expo on Saturday, January 25, at Malcolm X College. At the expo, attorneys will assist Chicago-area residents who have had their driver’s license suspended or revoked and are in need of legal assistance to help navigate the reinstatement process.
Attendees receive 2 hours MCLE credits. Please RSVP with the Training Division at 312-603-0600.

The Bankruptcy, Insolvency and Restructuring Association is hosting a professional panel in on Tuesday, November 5 from 5:30-7:30 pm!
Any questions, please contact Ross Greenspan at rgreenspan or Claire Lilek at clilek!
Come to the ACLU’s second Student Board Meeting!
Join us on Tuesday November 5 from 1-2 pm in Room 345

Corporate Law Society & APALSA

For 1L Summer Diversity Opportunities
A student discussion on their path to securing their 1L Summer Jobs & their experiences at their jobs.
A panelist of students will discuss the successes, failures, & how to persevere.
This is a precursor to next semester’s Corporate Counsel Night event.
Tuesday, November 5th from 12-1 PM in Room 270
Lunch will be provided!!
BLSA Study Sessions began October 30!
BLSA will be conducting help on exams, answering questions and general how-to’s so you are all ready for finals. Here’s the proposed schedule but will be subject to change from the feedback we get during the first meeting:

Any questions please contact Penny Driver at pdriver
Conviser Bash will be held on November 7 from 9pm-midnight!


Friday November 8th from 10am-12pm
7th grade students will be at Kent to practice their oral advocacy skills in Marovitz and doing a small Q&A session (in Room C25) with them about law school, what it is like to be a law student, where we went to high school and college etc.
If you are interested please reach out to MLSA.
Dress for Success
On Tuesday, November 19 from 6-8pm, the SBA and Career Services are hosting a “Dress for Success” event in partnership with Nordstrom in Morris Hall on the 10th floor.

Diversity Holiday Fest
Attend the Diversity Fest in the lobby on Thursday, November 21 from 5-7 pm
Diverse student organizations are encouraged to participate!
Any questions, please contact Bryant Roby at broby to participate and celebrate Diversity!