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Elections for Executive Board Positions 2015-2016

As per our bylaws, we will be having elections for all of our Executive Board positions for the 2015-2016 school year on Tuesday, April 21st, at 12pm, in Room 165.

Being on the Executive Board looks great on your resume and will help you establish yourself as a person willing to take on leadership roles.  The National Office also provides a great deal of assistance and support to help you as a Chapter officer.

Below please find a list of the offices and a description of what they do.

Click here to nominate yourself or someone else for a position.

The President shall coordinate with the Chicago-Kent administration, the national Federalist Society, and other student Federalist Society chapters to plan events. The President shall also coordinate with speakers, maintain the chapter’s calendar and call executive board, advisory board and general membership meetings.

The Vice President for Chapter Affairs shall coordinate with other Chicago-Kent student organizations, the Membership Chair, and first year section representatives to plan events. The Vice President for Chapter Affairs shall also maintain the organization’s membership roster and email list and coordinate event catering and social events.

The Vice President for External Affairs shall coordinate with the Hospitality Chair, Lawyers Chapter Liaison, and Media Relations Chair to plan events. The Vice President for External Affairs shall also be responsible for event announcements and marketing, communications with the Chicago Lawyer’s Chapter and media relations.

The Treasurer shall retain receipts for all expenses and shall manage reimbursement of expenses. The Treasurer shall cooperate with the national Federalist Society and the Chicago-Kent Student Bar Association to promptly reimburse members for any authorized expenditures made for the organization.

The Secretary shall be responsible for keeping minutes of executive board meetings and maintaining order and decorum in all meetings. The Secretary shall take notes at general membership meetings and shall take and record a head count at each meeting and event. The Secretary shall also distribute a draft agenda for general membership meetings to the executive board two days in advance and a final agenda to the membership one day in advance.

Prof. Garry and Prof. Heyman Event Recap

Thank you to everyone who came to our event this week entitled “Limited Government and the Bill of Rights.”  Prof. Garry and Prof. Heyman discussed their views on the bill of rights – whether it is a device to limit government or a device to protect individual autonomy – both from the founding era’s perspective and for today.   One question asked how far an originalist should go if there is a plain meaning, and Prof. Garry responded that if the text is clear, the only way to change it is through the amendment process, which has been overlooked in modern times.

Check out some photos below, courtesy of the great Emily Barney from the C-K library.

Our next event is Tuesday, March 31st, 12pm, in room C50 with Prof. David Moore and Prof. Mark Rosen talking about “Should the US Enforce International Law?”

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

Courtesy of Emily Barney

National Symposium Recap and Prof. Garry Next Week

Thank you to everyone who came to the 2015 National Student Symposium at the University of Chicago!  It was a fantastic event with tons of great speakers talking about “Innovation and the Law.”  Here is a shot from the opening night:


Next week we will have our first speaker for the semester.  Prof. Patrick Garry of the University of South Dakota will come to talk about his book “Limited Government and the Bill of Rights.”  Some of you may recall Prof. Steven Heyman’s talk at the beginning of the school year regarding his own thoughts about individual liberties and the Supreme Court’s conservative/libertarian First Amendment jurisprudence.  Prof. Heyman will be giving 5-10 minutes of commentary at the end of the event.  It should be a great event so we hope to see you there!

Fracking debate recap

Our fracking debate was a huge success! Over 65 attendees came to see Prof. Bill Rau debate Prof. John Kunich on the merits of fracking.  There were lots of engaging questions from the audience and give-and-take from the contestants.  Thank you to everyone who came to the event, and a special thank you to Alexa Carreno of the Environmental Law Society who helped organize the event.

This is our last event for the semester, but we will be back in the Spring with events on topics from police militarization to the role of international law in the US.  So stay tuned and check out some photos from the last event:


Photo by Nathan Hakimi


Photo by Nathan Hakimi


Photo by Nathan Hakimi


Photo by Andrew Sharp


Photo by Andrew Sharp

Ilya Shapiro Event Recap

Thanks to Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute for making the trip to come talk to us about the War on Drugs and its effects on the Constitution!

Mr. Shapiro went through the entire Constitution and discussed how the War on Drugs affects each provision.  His knowledge of the case law was impressive and his arguments for decriminalization were extremely well-founded.  He also stayed to answer some questions from the group, including suggesting that the political process would be a better avenue for change in this arena than the courts.  We are only the second chapter he has given this talk to so we were honored to hear it.

Thanks to everyone who came out, especially given that it was a non-traditional time slot!

Our next event will be a debate on fracking with John Kunich and Bill Rau.  It will be Nov. 19th at 12pm in room C20.  More details to come.


Ilya and Me


Bitcoin event recap and Ilya Shapiro on the Drug War next week!

We had another great event last week with Paul-Martin Foss of the Carl Menger Center for the Study of Money and Banking, as well as our own Prof. Evelyn Brody.  It was a standing-room only crowd and the discussion was engaging and informative.  Check out some pictures below.

Our next event is next Wednesday, Oct. 29th, at 2:30pm in room C35 with Ilya Shapiro of the Cato Institute.  We almost ran out of food last time so please RSVP here if you plan on attending:






Religion Clauses event recap and Bitcoin event next week!

Thanks to everyone who came out to the event last week with Prof. Nahmod on the Religion Clauses!  We had a great turnout and the discussion was very thought-provoking.  See some photos (courtesy of Emily Barney) below.

Also, our next event is this Tues. Oct. 14th at 12pm in room 345.  We have Paul-Martin Foss coming in from the Carl Menger Center for the Study of Money and Banking.  Hope to see you there!

Religion Clauses talk-2

Photo by Emily Barney

Religion Clauses talk-3

Photo by Emily Barney


Photo by Andrew Sharp

Religion Clauses talk-4

Photo by Emily Barney

Religion Clauses talk-1

From left to right: Peter Cheun (ACS), Kayla Higgins (Decalogue), Aalaa Albaroudi (MSLA), Prof. Nahmod, Andrew Sharp (FedSoc), Jeanette Yglesias (CLS). Photo by Emily Barney


Peter Cheun of ACS gives an introduction.


New website and 2014 call-out meeting

Welcome to the brand-new Chicago-Kent Federalist Society website!  As you can see, this is a big improvement on our last site and we’d like to thank Emily Barney with the school who helped set the page up.

Our call-out meeting is coming up this Tuesday, Sept. 16th, 12pm, in Room 165. We hope to see you there for free food and a great kick-off to the school year!

We have lots of events in the works  so please join our mailing list if you haven’t yet so that you can stay up-to-date.

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