CK Jeel Logo: a pale green map of IL with the title overlayed with a wind turbine and roots overlayed on the K and JThe Chicago-Kent Journal of Environmental and Energy Law (JEEL) began publication in 2010. It has since been Chicago’s only environmental-specific law journal and has remained the longest-running environmental journal in the Midwest. JEEL is an entirely student-run publication seeking to provide a forum for professors, attorneys, and students to engage in a dialogue about environmental and energy law and policy issues on a global, national, and local level.

On this site, you will find information about the Journal, the publication process for prospective authors, news, events, our published issues, and weekly blog posts. The Journal is published exclusively online, which you can find on our site, Westlaw, LexisNexis, and HeinOnline. Our current issue, Volume 14, is now available. Check it out today!

To learn more about Chicago-Kent College of Law and the Certificate Program in Environmental and Energy Law (PEEL), please visit our Resources tab.

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