Article Purpose

Research Article

Should be based on original, or newly aggregated findings resulting from quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods research. Research Articles must include a structured Abstract of no more than 250 words, followed by an “Implications for Practice” section which provides 3 – 5 items describing, in plain language, the implications of the Article’s findings for the energy and environmental field. All Research Articles should include the following primary sections (subordinate sections will vary by paper): (1) Introduction, (2) Literature Review, (3) Methods, (4) Results, (5) Discussion, and (6) Conclusion.

Articles that do not employ an explicitly defined research methodology should be submitted as either a “Practice” or “Theory” contribution.

Practice Article

Should be based on case studies, descriptions, evaluations, or developmental historiography of energy and environmental law, programs, or policies. Articles should emphasize the promotion of best practices and useful approaches to current energy and environmental challenges, and draw attention to unsustainable and questionable practices. Practice Articles must include a structured Abstract of no more than 250 words.

Submissions to this section should contribute to a practical understanding of the continued integration of scholarly discourse into the fields of energy and environmental law.

Theory Article

Should reflect the continuing developments in the energy and environmental fields through theoretical explorations of issues relevant to the aims and scope of this publication. Authors are encouraged to describe the relevance, significance, and application of their theoretical discussions to current energy and environmental laws, programs, policies, and practices. Theory Articles must include a structured Abstract of no more than 250 words, followed by an “Implications for Practice” section which provides 3 – 5 items describing, in plain language, implications of the Article’s content for the continued discourse in the energy and environmental fields.

Article Format Requirements

  1. Articles must be the original work of the author(s) that has not been published previously, as a whole or in part, either in print or electronically, or is soon to be so published.
  2. Articles should be written from an objective perspective. They should seek to provoke or advance the debate, to open up new questions, to define the state or direction of a particular field, or to shape trends in the historiography of the field.
  3. All authors and named contributors must give permission to be listed on the submitted Article (no documentation is required).
  4. Consent must be obtained from all individuals or institutions named in the acknowledgments section (no documentation is required).
  5. Articles must be organized in a unified format, logically structured, with cohesive and coherent sections, sub-sections, and paragraphs, and include links to reputable and verifiable sources.
  6. It is the author’s responsibility to properly attribute or obtain any necessary permissions (and to provide us with copies of the relevant documentation) for the publication of any illustration, image, figure, table, audio/video file, etc., used in the Article.
  7. Articles should be a minimum of 10 pages and a maximum of 40-50 pages, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides.
  8. Article text should be in 12 pt. Times New Roman, with 9 pt. Times New Roman footnotes and 12 pt. Times New Roman page numbers, in the bottom right-hand corner.
  9. Citations should be made in footnotes, not endnotes, and adhere to standard Bluebook citation requirements. Wherever possible, without confusion, references should be grouped together. Notes should rarely exceed 10–20% of the text.

Submissions are accepted through Scholastica at and via email to Please note that submissions are not accepted through ExpressO as of Fall 2021.