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ComEd corruption probe: facing legal scrutiny on all sides

Commonwealth Edison Company (“ComEd”),  Illinois’ largest electric utility provider, finds itself mired in lawsuits after federal prosecutors filed criminal charges against the Company earlier this summer.

In July, federal prosecutors entered into a deferred prosecution agreement (“DPA”) with ComEd that implicated a range of actors—from ComEd executives to long-time Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan—in a years-long bribery scheme.[1] Federal prosecutors, state regulators, and ratepayers seek to hold ComEd accountable for its conduct.

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Illinois Pollution Control Board holds hearing, receives public comment to finalize coal ash rule

On August 13 the Illinois Pollution Control Board (“IPCB”) held the first of two scheduled hearings on the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency’s (“IEPA”) proposed rule for mitigating and remediating coal ash ponds throughout the state.[1]

Coal combustion residual surface impoundments, known commonly as coal ash ponds, are repositories for the potentially harmful byproducts of coal-powered electric generation facilities.[2] Absent proper mitigation efforts, pollutants that collect in coal ash ponds can seep into and contaminate the surrounding groundwater.[3]

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Moratorium on Utility Shutoffs to Expire

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, many states have mandated that utilities maintain service regardless of customers’ ability to pay. [1] The Illinois Commerce Commission (“ICC,” the quasi-judicial agency that regulates Illinois’s utilities), for example, issued an order requiring various customer protections, including a moratorium on utility shutoffs due to nonpayment, more generous deferred payment arrangements, and more favorable credit reporting for missed payments. [2]

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We’re back!

Hello and welcome to the 2020-21 edition of JEEL’s blog. We provide regular updates on significant developments in environmental and energy law and policy on a local, regional, national, and, at times, international level. JEEL’s team of Associate Research Editors (AREs) will cover everything from utilities and energy generation to land conservation to air and water litigation, and much more.

As always, our mission is to provide non-partisan information and analysis on the key environmental and energy law and policy topics of the day. We will remain vigilant in fulfilling that mission; posts expressing a particular viewpoint will be clearly labeled as “opinion.”

Please join me in welcoming this year’s team of AREs, whose diverse backgrounds and experiences will provide the blog with a valuable swath of insights on the environmental and energy topics of the day. They include:

Hannah Bucher
Andrea Jakubas
Fernando Silva
Sydney Weiss
Sylvia Wolak


Joe Popely
Research Editor

[NEWS] Judge Voids Oil and Gas Leases on Almost One Million Acres of Land

Judge Voids Oil and Gas Leases on Almost One Million Acres of Land

The Western Watersheds Project and the Center of Biological Diversity brought suit against the United States Bureau of Land Management for the unlawful restriction of public participation in oil and gas leases that affect large areas of public land across the Western United States.[1] On February 27, 2020, a federal district judge ruled in favor of the plaintiffs and voided the oil and gas leases on federal lands for unlawful restriction of public participation.[2]

“More than [one] billion barrels of oil were produced from drilling offshore and on public land” under the Trump administration in 2019.[3] The oil and gas leases span across sixty-seven million acres of land across eleven states.[4] While the Trump administration expanded domestic energy production, it implemented measures to curve public participation.[5] “A centerpiece of this effort has been the administration’s efforts to silence the public and local communities,” said Chase Huntley, director of the Wilderness Society’s climate and energy program. Chief Magistrate Judge Ronald E. Bush ruled in favor of the Western Watersheds Project and the Center of Biological Diversity.[6] Judge Bush rejected the oil and gas leases and mandated that the Bureau of Land Management alter its procedure for oil and gas leases “that are wholly or partially within sage grouse habitat management areas.”[7]

Environmental groups see this ruling as a victory. Taylor McKinnon, senior campaigner at the Center for Biological Diversity said in a statement, “The judge confirmed that it’s illegal to silence the public to expand fossil fuel extraction. It’s a win for millions of acres of our beautiful public lands and a major blow to the Trump administration’s corrupt efforts to serve corporate polluters.”[8]

The Bureau of Land Management maintains that it “[has] been working within [its] legal authorities to alleviate or eliminate unnecessary and burdensome regulations, while at the same time upholding public health and environmental protections . . .” and remains “committed to a simpler, more effective leasing process,” according to Derrick Henry, spokesman for the Bureau of Land Management.[9]

*Featured Image: Mason Cummings, The Wilderness Society

[1] Juliet Eilperin and Darryl Fears, Judge voids nearly 1 million acres of oil and gas leases, saying Trump policy undercut public input, The Washington Post (February 28, 2020), (last visited February 29, 2020).

[2] Id.

[3] Id.

[4] Id.

[5] Id.

[6] Rachel Frazin, Judge voids oil and gas leases on almost 1 million acres of public lands, The Hill (February 28, 2020), (last visited February 29, 2020).

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Id.

[NEWS] Chicago’s Little Village Residents Renew Call for Environmental Revitalization Plan

Chicago’s Little Village Residents Renew Call for Environmental Revitalization Plan

Residents of Chicago’s Little Village neighborhood are renewing calls for a neighborhood revitalization plan that addresses their environmental concerns.  Little Village, located on Chicago’s southwest side, is the former site of a coal plant that closed in 2012.[1]  Following the closure of the plant, the Little Village Environmental Justice Organization (LVEJO) spearheaded an effort to transition the site into recreational, open space, and economic development assets that serve the needs of the community.[2]  Those efforts culminated in a set of draft guidelines released by the City’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) in January 2019.[3]

The guidelines framed an effort to improve economic and environmental conditions in the area, including a plan to integrate on-site renewable energy, increased landscaping, and encourage the use of alternative fuel vehicles for industrial operations in the neighborhood.[4] However, residents felt the plan did not go far enough to address their environmental concerns, and prioritized continued industry development in the neighborhood.[5] Progress on the environmental revitalization efforts stalled soon after the draft guidelines were released.[6]

The owner of the former coal plant site, Hilco Redevelopment Partners, intends to turn the site into a one‑million‑square‑foot warehouse.[7]  LVEJO members hosted a press conference at City Hall on February 26, 2020 to voice their opposition to the plan.  LVEJO, joined by representatives from the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), the Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments, Warehouse Workers for Justice, and the Union of Concerned Scientists called on the DPD to resume efforts to modernize the neighborhood by increasing environmental regulations on current and future industrial operators in the area, continuously monitoring air pollution levels, and performing a traffic study every five years.[8]  Following the press conference, LVEJO expressed their hope that Hilco and DPD will engage Little Village residents in crafting environmentally equitable solutions that benefit the community as a whole.[9]

*Featured Image: LVEJO 

[1] Little Village Environmental Justice Organization, Coal Power Plant Shutdown, (last visited Feb. 29, 2020).

[2] Id.

[3] City of Chicago Department of Planning and Development, Mayor Emanuel’s Industrial Corridor Modernization Little Village Framework, Draft for Public Comment (January 2019),

[4] Id., p. 2.

[5] Mauricio Peña, Environmental Groups Call On City To Regulate Polluters By Relaunching Little Village Modernization Plan, Block Club Chicago (Feb. 27, 2020), available at

[6] Kari Lyderson, Chicagoans demand answers, input and oversight for former coal plant site, Energy News Network (Feb. 27, 2020), available at

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Peña, supra note 5.

[NEWS] January 2020, Warmest in Recorded History

January 2020, Warmest in Recorded History

On February 13, 2020, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) announced the planet experienced its hottest January in recorded history.[1] This is not likely to be the last record of its kind.[2] January 2020 marks the 44th consecutive January and the 421st consecutive month with temperatures above the twentieth century average.[3]

The average January temperature across land and ocean surfaces increased by 2.05 degrees Fahrenheit from the twentieth century average of 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit.[4] Previously, record-high temperatures occurred when El Niño was present in the Pacific Ocean.[5] El Niño temporarily heats the earth naturally.[6] However, with no El Niño present this year, we achieved these record-high temperatures all on our own.[7] Scientists attribute these record-high temperatures as “greenhouse gas-induced warming” producing global temperature rises.[8]

These rising global temperatures are here to stay.[9] According to statistical analysis by the NOAA, 2020 is already on track to be one of the five warmest years on record.[10]

*Featured Image: NOAA

[1] John Bateman, January 2020 was Earth’s hottest January on record, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (February 13, 2020), (last visited February 15, 2020).

[2] See id.

[3] Id.

[4] Denise Chow, Earth just had its hottest January in recorded history, NBC (February 13, 2020), (last visited February 15, 2020).

[5] Hannah Levy and Brandon Miller, In 141 years of record-keeping, there has never been a warmer January, CNN (February 13, 2020), (last visited February 16, 2020).

[6] Id.

[7] Id.

[8] Id.

[9] Id.

[10] Id.

[NEWS] Chicago Considers Forming its Own Electric Utility Company

Chicago Considers Forming its Own Electric Utility Company

Chicago is considering ending its 30-year franchise agreement with Commonwealth Edison Company (ComEd), the City’s incumbent utility provider.  The City is exploring the possibility of forming an electric utility company that would be owned, operated, and managed by the City.[1]  This process, known as municipalization, allows a local government to purchase the infrastructure and distribution assets of an incumbent utility provider in order to operate and maintain the system.

Illinois law includes a provision that permits local governments to exercise the right to acquire, construct, own, and operate a public utility.[2]  Presently, 32 municipalities in Illinois, including Naperville and Winnetka, operate their own municipal electric utility.[3]  However, the prospect of Chicago parting ways with ComEd is significant given that over 3 million of ComEd’s 4 million customers reside in Chicago.[4]  For this reason, it is likely that acquiring ComEd’s infrastructure would be expensive—ComEd believes that the value of their system could be as much as $10 billion.[5]

Chicago is the latest in a series of large cities considering municipalization.  Following Pacific Gas & Electric Company’s (PG&E) Chapter 11 Bankruptcy filing and the devastating wildfires in their service territory, San Francisco offered PG&E $2.5 billion to acquire the company’s electric infrastructure.[6]  Boulder, Colorado is making progress towards its municipalization goals, but the process was caught up in a years-long litigation battle with the region’s incumbent utility provider, Xcel Energy, which raised a number of legal questions like the legality of Boulder’s plan, the cost of financing a new system, and the acquisition or condemnation of Xcel’s distribution assets.[7]

Against a backdrop of a federal corruption probe into ComEd’s lobbying efforts and a growing demand for cleaner sources of energy as well as more equitably priced utility bills, the idea of a municipal utility provider is gaining more traction.[8]  Though, this is not the first time that City leaders considered the idea of municipalization.  In July 2019, First Ward Alderman Daniel La Spata, with the support of 21 additional cosponsors, introduced a measure to perform a feasibility study investigating the cost of acquiring ComEd’s assets and the costs of running a municipal utility.[9] The measure did not pass at the council meeting, but at a subsequent meeting in October 2019, Twelfth Ward Alderman George Cardenas confirmed that the feasibility study was underway and anticipated the results being released in the coming months.[10]

*Feature Image: Wikimedia

[1] Becky Veavea, What if the City of Chicago Ran its Own Electric Utility?, NPR (Feb. 10, 2020), available at

[2] 65 ILCS 5/11-117-1 (2019).

[3] Illinois Municipal Electric Agency, Members of IMEA, (last visited Feb. 16, 2019).

[4] Veavea, supra note 1.

[5] Veavea, supra note 1.

[6] Sonja Hutson, San Francisco Offers to Buy PG&E Electric Grid in the City for $2.5 Billion, KQED (Sept. 8, 2019), available at

[7] Robert Walton, Colorado authorizes transfer of Xcel assets to Boulder, boosting city’s municipalization efforts, Utility Dive (Oct. 11, 2019), available at

[8] Veavea, supra note 1.

[9] Press Release, Democratize ComEd, Democratize ComEd Campaign Calls for Public Feasibility Study (Nov. 15, 2019), available at

[10] Id.

[NEWS 11/24/2019] #FRIDAYSForFUTURE, Chicago Nov. 29, 2019

In Chicago, a group of local activists is joining the global FridaysForFuture movement by striking on Friday, November 29, 2019. The Deepstrike will take place at Daley Plaza, 50 W Washington St, Chicago, IL 60602. The Strike will last from 11:00am til 2:00pm. The organizers provided the following instructions:

  • Wear black this #BlackFriday as we mourn the burning of the Amazon
  • Bring old clothes for clothing swap
  • Bring signs and posters if you have them
  • Share pictures from the Strike
  • Please tag #FridaysForFuture and #ClimateStrike on social media posts.

The official event page for the Strike can be found here.

According to #FRIDAYSForFUTURE’s website:

#FridaysForFuture is a movement that began in August 2018, after 15 years old Greta Thunberg sat in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks, to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis. She posted what she was doing on Instagram and Twitter and it soon went viral.

On the 8th of September, Greta decided to continue striking every Friday until the Swedish policies provided a safe pathway well under 2-degree C, i.e. in line with the Paris agreement.

The hashtags #FridaysForFuture and #Climatestrike spread and many students and adults began to protest outside of their parliaments and local city halls all over the world. This has also inspired the Belgium Thursday school strikes.

The popularity of the youth driven movement has rapidly increased in the 14 months since Greta Thunberg first sat in front of parliament.  To date, 60 thousand climate strike events, in 6.4 thousand cities across 222 countries, have attracted more than 11 million strikers.

*Featured Image: Chicago Tribune, Sep. 20, 2019, Getty Images

[NEWS 11/24/2019] U.S. EPA awards $3.6 million in Grants to Restoration Programs on Lake Erie

On November 19, 2019, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) awarded five grants totaling nearly $3.6 million to organizations dedicated to clean-up and restoration activities across Lake Erie.[1] The grants were awarded to the Ohio EPA, Ohio Lake Erie Commission (“OLEC”), Ohio Department of Natural Resources, and the Northeast Ohio Four County Regional Planning and Development Organization, and are part of a broader mission by the EPA to restore and protect the Great Lakes region.[2]

The grants follow a July 2019 algae bloom outbreak that was among the most severe and toxic since scientists began tracking algae blooms in the early 2000’s.[3] The bloom covered nearly 620 square miles over the surface of Lake Erie, an area more than twice the size of Chicago.[4] Greater rainfall in recent years has increased erosion and flooding along Lake Erie’s coast line, which allows farm fertilizers and waste water to infiltrate the lake while higher temperatures cause the blooms to expand further and last longer.[5]

Certain programs that received funding through the EPA’s grants will tackle the threat of algae blooms head on. These programs include a plan by the Ohio EPA and OLEC to reduce phosphorus runoff and to protect and restore streams and wetlands by working with farmers as well as a grant to develop and implement the Lakewide Action Management Plans for Lake Erie and Remedial Action Plans for Lake Erie areas of concern.[6]

*Featured Image: The 2019 toxic algae bloom that formed in western Lake Erie. In a NASA satellite image taken on July 30, 2019, the green medley of plankton and bacteria had grown larger than New York City. (USGS/NASA Landsat).

[1] Press Release: EPA announces grants to advance clean-ups in Ohio’s Lake Erie Watershed and Areas of Concern, USEPA (Nov. 19, 2019) (last visited Nov. 22, 2019).

[2] Id.

[3] Tony Briscoe, The shallowest Great Lake provides drinking water for more people than any other. Algae blooms are making it toxic — and it’s getting worse, Chicago Tribune (Nov. 14, 2019) (last visited Nov. 22, 2019).

[4] Id.

[5] Algae Bloom in Lake Erie Poses Major Health Threat, NOAA (Aug. 15, 2019) (last visited Nov. 22, 2019).

[6] Laura Johnston, U.S. EPA announces $3.6 million in Lake Erie grants, (Nov. 19, 2019) (last visited Nov. 22, 2019).

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