Can a private company control a national park and force the government to rename numerous famous park attractions?
Alyssa Hertel | 2/15/16 Well it sure looks like a private company is about to be allowed this kind of control over …
Alyssa Hertel | 2/15/16 Well it sure looks like a private company is about to be allowed this kind of control over …
Hon. M. Margaret McKeown of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit discusses the real and pressing tensions between …
Alyssa Hertel | 1/30/16 The Inter Partes Review (“IPR”) system was implemented as a result of the America Invents Act of 2011 …
Something seems amiss. Settled notions of what can be patentable are changing. To complicate matters further, so far, neither the Supreme Court …
The assemblage of personal health information and human DNA represents exciting possibilities for managing and mitigating suffering on a global scale. However, …