October 31, 2022
Diversity Internships Information Session: On Wednesday, November 2, at 3pm in room 270, bring your lunch and listen to current students and the Career Services Office discuss summer internship opportunities for diverse students, including the Judicial Intern Opportunity Program (JIOP), Association of Corporate Counsel (ACC), Leadership Council on Legal Diversity (LCLD), City of Chicago, AFL-CIO, and more. There will be a presentation, followed by a Q&A with student panelists who have participated in these programs. Co-sponsored by the Career Services Office, the Public Interest Center MLSA, APALSA, HLLSA, Women in Law, and Lambdas.

Peggy Brown Fund Panel on Workplace Justice: This Wednesday, November 2nd at Noon in Room C40, attend a panel conversation with local labor and employment lawyers on the current state of the labor movement, labor lawyering, and the future of workplace justice. Additionally, hear from Chicago-Kents Peggy Browning Fund Fellow and learn how to apply to the Peggy Browning Fund’s paid summer fellowship. Lunch will be provided.

VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: Equip for Equality and the Voting Access Chicago Initiative – Complete Interest Survey by November 3 at 12:00 pm:
The Voting Rights Access Initiative helps ensure that Chicago’s polling places are accessible for people with disabilities and older adults. Volunteers go to polling places on Election Day (November 8) and inspect for Americans with Disabilities Act accessibility. Volunteers use a Survey App on their smartphone or tablet to record information on accessibility. Volunteers may go to locations alone or with a partner. Volunteers pledge to spend 4 or 8 hours on election day doing this – with flexible start and end times between the hours of 6am – 7pm. A student stipend is available to cover travel and meal expenses while volunteering that day. You do not need to be a registered voter to volunteer. The hours spent volunteering count as pro bono/community service hours at Chicago-Kent.
Volunteers would need to attend a mandatory one-hour training session on Friday, November 4th at 3:00 pm at Chicago-Kent. If you are interested, please let us know here no later than 12:00 pm Thursday, November 3: https://forms.gle/CpZAi4tEtftiUbTx5

Career Services Office 3L Survey: Hey 3L Class! We hope your last year of law school has gotten off to a great start. We know you have had an unconventional, chaotic time (to say the least) over the past two years and so we are reaching out to you to see how we at Career Services can best help you over your remaining semesters. Since each student has their own questions, paths, needs, etc., we have put together a quick Google Form Survey to help us figure out where and what the needs are, both individually and as a class.
The survey only takes a few minutes to fill out, but will be instrumental in helping us figure out what support you and your classmates are looking for. Whether that support is programming & presentations, one-on-one career advice, bar exam questions or support, or to leave you alone till graduation, we want to hear from you and we appreciate you taking the time to fill out the survey. Fill out the 3L CSO Survey Here. Thank you in advance! -CK Career Services Office
Tackling 1L Exams:

Center for Research and Service (CRS): The Center for Research and Service (CRS) at IIT conducts the Student Voices Survey, a tool to collect data from students about their experiences at the university. We are seeking a student to represent Chicago-Kent to help craft the survey and analyze the results, ensuring that the survey/results are tailored to include concerns of our law students.
The Student Voices Survey is a student-led committee with oversight from CRS. The time commitment would likely be a few hours per month, varying based on building the survey initially and analyzing the results in the spring.
Please email SBA right away if interested!
Fundamentals of Banking Law: Chicago-Kent College of Law is pleased to sponsor Fundamentals of Banking Law (formerly Banking Law Basics) on November 9-10, 2022, an intensive 2-day program designed to familiarize participants with the basics of bank regulatory law, including the critical policies, concepts, and regulations that have shaped banking law over the years.
Chicago-Kent student registration is complimentary — click here to register and use code CKCLE1.
If you have any questions regarding registering, please contact events.
38th Annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Labor Relations and Labor Law Conference: Please join us for the following upcoming conference. As faculty and staff of Chicago-Kent, you will receive complimentary registration. Enter the discount code: CKCLE1 at checkout.
Illinois Public Sector Labor Labor Relations and Labor Law Conference | December 2, 2022
The 38th Annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Relations Law Conference, sponsored by Chicago-Kent College of Law and the Malin Institute for Law & the Workplace, will be held in-person for the first time since 2019. Join us for our annual updates from both Illinois public sector labor boards, as well as a wide variety of plenary and breakout panels tackling topics such as incivility in the workplace, employee discipline, privacy issues, lessons learned from recent strikes, and many other issues facing labor lawyers and labor relations specialists in the industry today. Register Today!
Illinois Human Rights Commission:

Yoga in the Fitness Center: There will be yoga in the fitness center on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00am-10:00am throughout the semester. Yoga mats and blocks will be provided!
Quiet Study in Library: As our community returns to in-person study and instruction at the Conviser Law Center, the Law Library, in conjunction with the Student Bar Association, wants to remind students that the Law Library is a quiet study space. Talking is discouraged in open seating areas where, if necessary, conversations should be brief and very quiet. For group study and discussion, the Law Library offers ten study rooms students can reserve at the Service Desk on the 9th floor.
Exit Escort Service: In the evening hours, a Public Safety officer is available to provide a walking escort for those with concerns about their personal safety. This service applies to any location within a two block radius of the Conviser Law Center, including Union Station and many adjacent parking locations. Please see the officer(s) on duty at the front desk, or call the Public Safety number, 312-906-5030. Please also see the below survey!
Academic Calendar for 2022-2023: For your reference, the academic calendar for 2022-2023 is available by clicking here.
COVID-19 Policies & Procedure: Please find Chicago-Kent’s current COVID-19 protocols here.
How to stay connected at Chicago-Kent: Here are a few things we recommend you do NOW to stay connected throughout the year:
Add the SBA Calendar to your Google Calendar by following these instructions.
Read the SBA Newsletter, which will be sent to your email every Monday morning.
Follow the SBA Instagram account: @sbachicagokentlaw.
Subscribe to receive notifications from the SBA Event Calendar. Instructions are here.
Reach out to SBA at any time with any questions.
Student Organizations
APALSA Bring-Your-Own-Lunch Tuesdays: Join APALSA every Tuesday at 12PM on the 6th Floor for lunch! All members are welcome, and at least one APALSA board member will be present each week. Whether you want someone to talk to, rant to, or just eat with, we will be there. Note: the 6th floor has one big room with a lot of seating areas on the opposite side of the bathrooms. You will see it as soon as you get off the elevator!

APALSA’s Statement re: SFFA v. Harvard: Today, October 31st, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear two lawsuits–one against Harvard University and one against University of North Carolina (“UNC”)–brought by anti-affirmative action group Students for Fair Admissions (“SFFA”). SFFA asks the Supreme Court to ban the consideration of race in college admissions, arguing that both Harvard and UNC discriminate against Asian American applicants. As the Supreme Court prepares to hear these oral arguments at the end of the month, we stand at a critical crossroads–especially as Asian Americans.
Chicago-Kent Asian Pacific American Law Students Association (“APALSA”) stands firmly against SFFA, and in support of Chicago-Kent’s holistic approach to admissions, including the consideration of race. SFFA and all those filing together with them are wrong, and their arguments are both misleading and harmful to the Asian American community. While SFFA purports to condemn the “model minority myth,” their arguments and actions only serve to reinforce this trope and stereotype. Please read our whole statement, with resources to learn more.
Brown Bag Lunch w/ Lam Nguyen Ho of Beyond Legal Aid: Join us for the next installment of NLG’s Brown Bag Lunch series, with Lam Nguyen Ho of Beyond Legal Aid (https://www.beyondlegalaid.org) on Tuesday, November 1 at 12pm in Room 700! Beyond Legal Aid provides a wide variety of legal services on a community lawyering model, by partnering with local organizations and activist groups in order to empower social justice movements. Bring your lunch and your questions!

Cook County Bar Association (CCBA): CCBA is hosting a joint dinner on Nov, 3rd. Law school students are encouraged to attend. CCBA is here to support students and wants as many of you to get involved as possible. If you have any questions, please contact Shay at scolemanepps. Hope to see you there! Also see the flyer for more details. Attached is the link to purchase tickets. CCBA November Joint Dinner In Conjunction with IJC, BWLA and BMLA Tickets – Powered by Ticket Falcon®

Chicago Bar Association (CBA): The Chicago Bar Association is the place for law students seeking to build a legal career in the Chicagoland area. Discover practice areas, practice settings and get a glimpse of day-to-day life as a lawyer through our mentoring and shadowing programs. Student members meet lawyers and judges from all backgrounds and create relationships that may lead to mentors and future employers. Our active Young Lawyers Section has educational and social events specifically geared to new lawyers (that are fun, too!). For only $12 per year you can get started on your path to becoming a lawyer. Visit jspellman)

CK Law Review: On November 11th & 12th, 2022, the Chicago-Kent Law Review will host the 4th International & Comparative Insolvency Symposium. Join symposium chairs Laura Coordes, Christoph Henkel, and Adrian Walters for a weekend exploring developments in insolvency and restructuring law with renowned legal experts from around the world at a time of considerable uncertainty in the global economy.
The symposium will be in person and virtual; speakers will participate in both formats. Attendance is free. Register atcklawreview.me) with any questions. We hope you will join us!

Environmental Law Society (ELS): November is National Native American Heritage Month and ELS along with will be hosting a documentary film viewing of Awake, A Dream From Standing Rock in the CK Auditorium at 3:30pm on Wednesday November 16th and we would love for you to join us! To kick-off the event, Prof. Smith-Drelich will share his expertise on Standing Rock litigation as the lead counsel for Thunderhawk v. County of Morton, which students have a chance to work on in his Constitutional Law Practicum.
RSVP and submit questions for Prof. Smith-Drelich here.

First-Generation Law Student Association:
Join First-Gen as we bring you our first career panel event of the year: The Power of Mentorship and Networking. As First-Gen students, we know that mentors are crucial to our academic and career success. That’s why we’ve invited a panel of legal professionals who value mentorship who will be giving their advice on how to develop lasting and meaningful mentorship relationships.
Our panel includes practicing attorney Edwin Reyes, Esq., the Honorable Jesse G. Reyes, and Professor Felice Batlan. Dessert and beverages will be provided! This event will be held on November 1st at 6:30pm in Morris Hall (10th floor library). Please RSVP here before Sunday, October 23rd at 5pm.

Immigration Law Society:
NYU National Immigration Law Competition: The Immigration Law Society is looking for
2Ls and 3Ls who are interested in participating in the NYU Immigration Law Moot Court Competition. This competition focuses on issues in the field of immigration law and is judged by panels of distinguished NYU alumni and legal practitioners. The final round is judged by federal appellate and district court judges. The competition will be in person at NYU School of law and will take place February 3rd to February 5th, 2023. Please see the flyer below for more information on how to apply. If you have any questions please email us at ILS.

Justinian Society of Italian Lawyers:

PACCK Trick or Treat Event: SBA and Parents and Caregivers Chicago Kent (PACCK) are co-hosting a trick or treat event on HalLAWeen, along with the CK faculty and staff! Students are welcome to attend and travel around the building visiting offices and collecting candy, but also all parents and caregivers are encouraged to bring in their young kids/siblings/nieces/nephews/etc to Trick or Treat in the safe school environment. 3:30-5:30 PM, earlier is preferred as more faculty will be in their offices!
Here is the list of participating faculty and staff offices:
- Professor’s offices on the 7th and 8th floors (3:30-4:00 preferred)
- Clinic on the 6th floor
- Admin offices on 2nd floor
- Admin offices on 3rd floor
- Career Services
- Library

Public Policy Law Society: The Public Policy Law Society is a new organization at Kent that will provide a career pathway for those interested in public policy and an outlet to discuss policy issues that affect us as law students. The organization will also facilitate discussions with professionals in the field including politicians in Illinois and at the federal level, advocates for both private and nonprofit organizations, agency liaisons, etc. We hope to have our first meeting in the coming weeks so stay tuned for more information!

Reproductive Justice Panel:

South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA): The Chicago-Kent South Asian Law Students Assn. (S.A.L.S.A.) is looking for Awesome Members to Join their Amazing Organization:
SALAAM NAMASTE! Whether you are South Asian or simply a fan of South Asian culture (and food!), S.A.L.S.A. is the group for you! Join us for philanthropy, socials, and networking events.
The Chicago-Kent chapter of the South Asian Law Students Assn. (S.A.L.S.A.) was founded to provide academic support and professional development opportunities for South Asian students. The organization’s current focus is on expansion and investment in its members by creating opportunities to network with other law school students and professionals of South Asian descent within the legal community. The organization is committed to community service work, involvement with the Indian American Bar Association, and continued assistance of the South Asian community in need of legal aid.
So come join us! Email Sambhaji Raje at salsa.

Sports and Entertainment Law Society (SELS): SELS is organizing teams to compete in three sports competitions held at Tulane Law School in New Orleans. These competitions are a mixture of moot court, trial team, and statistical analysis. For anyone interested in sports negotiations and sharpening your oral and written advocacy skills, these competitions may interest you! There is the International Baseball Arbitration Competition (dates not released, likely mid January), the Football Negotiation Competition (February 3-4), and the Basketball Negotiation Competition (February 23-24). All current students are welcome and encouraged to apply, but space is limited. If interested, please submit SELS for any questions.

Student Diversity Council: Join us in the lobby for Divers-A-Fest on Monday, October 31st from 4-6PM. We look forward to an evening of building community, mingling between organizations, and fun! Light refreshments will be provided. All are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Upcoming Events
OCTOBER 31: Divers-A-Fest, Conviser Trick-or-Treat
NOVEMBER 1: Tackling 1L Exams
NOVEMBER 1: Yoga in the Fitness Center
NOVEMBER 1: First-Gen Career Panel
NOVEMBER 1: Brown Bag Lunch w/ Lam Nguyen Ho of Beyond Legal Aid
NOVEMBER 2: Diversity Internships Information Session
NOVEMBER 3: Reproductive Justice Panel
NOVEMBER 3: Cook County Bar Association (CCBA) November Joint Dinner
NOVEMBER 3: Deadline to Apply for SELS Sports Competitions
NOVEMBER 9-10: Fundamentals of Banking Law
NOVEMBER 11-12: CK Law Review 4th International & Comparative Insolvency Symposium
NOVEMBER 16: Join ELS in Honoring Native American Heritage Month
DECEMBER 2: 38th Annual Illinois Public Sector Labor Labor Relations and Labor Law Conference
More events may be found on the SBA calendar. Please make sure you are accessing via your Kent email address.
Birthdays & Special Days – September:
10/24 |
Breck Radulovic, 1L |
10/27 |
Noah Ramirez, 2L |
10/31 |
Jordan Farber, 3L |
10/31 |
Zoe Allen, 3L |
11/18 |
Claudia Wojslaw, 2L |
11/20 |
Annie Zakrzewski, 2L |
11/23 |
Kristin Galvin, 1L |
11/24 |
Abigail Frase, 1L |
*if you wish to share your special date with the student body, clickhere