Michigan Lawmakers Continue to Consider Legislation to Diversify Electricity Sources.

Four, bipartisan state bills were introduced in 2014, in an attempt to diversify Michigan’s energy sources.[1] The bills tackled fair value pricing, net metering enhancements, community renewable energy gardens, and microgrids.[2] Despite having bipartisan support, the bills failed to make it out of committee during the past three legislative sessions.

Lawmakers have introduced a new series of bills named Powering Michigan Forward.[3] The proposed bill would eliminate current regulatory blocks that hinder the future growth of Michigan’s solar energy market.[4] The bill’s sponsors argue that the “package gives residents of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula energy freedom,” that it will support community jobs—ultimately, helping the “district’s economy continue its forward momentum.”[5] With the introduction of these bills, Michigan state legislators hope to increase residential, commercial, and industrial communities’ access to clean and affordable energy options.[6]

While clean energy developers and local business interest groups support the proposed legislation, Consumers Energy opposes the bills believing that the implementation costs are disproportionate, and “customers should pay their fair share to ensure reliability and affordability of the energy grid.”[7] DTE, a holding company established by Detroit Edison, was also concerned by the proposed legislation because,  while the push toward small power may be beneficial for certain customers or conditions, “they continue to be expensive and have incremental benefits when you consider broader issues.”[8]

[1] Andy Balaskovitz, Bipartisan ‘energy freedom’ bills resurface in Michigan, one at a time, Energy News Network (October 22, 2019), https://energynews.us/2019/10/22/midwest/bipartisan-energy-freedom-bills-resurface-in-michigan-one-at-a-time/ (last visited October 24, 2019).

[2] Andy Balaskovitz, Michigan legislators seek ‘energy freedom’ for consumers, Energy News Network (July 22, 2014) https://energynews.us/2014/07/22/midwest/michigan-legislators-seek-energy-freedom-for-consumers/ (last visited October 24, 2019).

[3] Megan Schellong, Lawmakers introduce renewable energy bills, WLNS (October 22, 2019), https://www.wlns.com/news/lawmakers-introduce-renewable-energy-bills/ (last visited October 24, 2019)

[4] Id.

[5] Fox 47 News, Bills introduced to improve clean energy, Fox News (October 22, 2019), https://www.fox47news.com/news/local-news/bills-introduced-to-improve-clean-energy (last visited October 24, 2019).

[6] Id.

[7] Robert Walton, DTE, Consumers Energy push back on Michigan legislators’ plan to rewrite 2016 energy law, Utility Dive (October 23, 2019), https://www.utilitydive.com/news/dte-consumers-energy-push-back-on-michigan-legislators-plan-to-rewrite-20/565642/ (last visited October 24, 2019).

[8] Id.